My Nature | Teen Ink

My Nature

February 27, 2015
By Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
Riverlikeawhale SILVER, Madison, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sand was soft;
The ocean breathed and blew its delicate salt breath on us.
The moon dragged and tugged itself into the sky,
jerking and making way for the dark and stars;
her followers.
Raising they all claimed the sky;
their territory now restored.
The stars flickered and brought themselves into existence;
cruising the skies, lost at sea.
The sky shimmering its depths;
the dark raining and drowning the light blue skies away.
Its puddle growing and claiming back its territory.
The moon gazed flawlessly at the ground,
her face a platonic love,
a beauty so wanted but never attained.

The author's comments:

I really appreciate nature, and I think this is a nice interpertation of it.

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