The Plauge We all Suffer From. | Teen Ink

The Plauge We all Suffer From.

March 28, 2015
By Austin Silvia BRONZE, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Austin Silvia BRONZE, New Bedford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 All of us have a special connection,
with nothing but the cell phones we all need.
Like a loved one we show it affection, 
its like without them we would rather bleed.
Illuminated and always alone,
they are distracting us from earths beauty.
We would all be lost with out our cell phones.
Captivating earths polish is our duty.
Seeing peoples minds slip away into their phones.
We should all be ashamed of ourselves.
Seeing the world like this chills my bones,
we all need to grab a book of the shelves.
But I am just as guilty as the rest
I also suffer from this plague I am not blessed.

The author's comments:

This peice was just a normal assignment to write a sonnet that ws put off again and again due to me being distracted by my sports, other homework and more than all my phone. when i began writng the sonnet the idea that we are all attached to our phones on an almost spirtual level just kinda came to me.

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