The Offseason | Teen Ink

The Offseason

May 1, 2015
By jgolec BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
jgolec BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The pain begins in the off-season lifts
The dreaded hours inside the workout room
I want to quit but I need full completion
I am a spring Lily ready to bloom

Immense barbells hitting off my sternum
Arms shaking like an old washing machine
Just one more rep before I get to rest
My dedication can not be foreseen

The tight sudden burst of pain in my side
If I had been shot in the abdomen
Realized it paid off after every ride
Rubber ball hits the net like a showman

Becomes clear at the whistle’s distilled shrill
The constant throbbing was valuable still

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