The Odd Group | Teen Ink

The Odd Group

April 20, 2016
By TanMan BRONZE, Moab, Utah
TanMan BRONZE, Moab, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two friends lounge around so very lazily
Living in extreme bliss, just so care-free
The joker comes to join their family
He makes so many quips, so full of glee

Jokes pass by and soon the hippie arrives
Wonderful thoughts she graces the small group
The lovers are glad for multiple lives
So says the hippie! Who’s teased by the Troupe

The original two need attention
The chefs needs everything so very clean
Conflict arrives when the actor mentions
How gross the house is and he makes a scene

Fights often arise that they overcome
But they’re always stuck together like gum

The author's comments:

I wrote this based on the show FRIENDS! I wrote it for English class so I need all the constive critism I can get. 

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