First Boyfriend | Teen Ink

First Boyfriend

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

He waltzed me to the colorful front door,

With that adorable and playful smile.

On the way to the silver, rocky shore,

He and I would lie there for a long while.

He often called me a fine masterpiece,

Who smelled like sweet lavender in the spring.

He said his love for me would never cease.

That his desire consumed his whole being.

Yet he led me to utter destruction.

Never to forget the sting of his slap.

Leaving me battered with confrontation,

Preparing for his icy, hateful snap.

Listening, watching for him to appear.

His harsh stare was my most terrifying fear.

The author's comments:

A lot of girls, including myself, have had a boyfriend who was a little less than friendly. A lot of girls will be able to relate to that one hard relationship that they have had. From this poem they should take away the understanding that they are not alone. This should inspire teens and adults to stop abusive relationships and have adequate punishment for the abuser, whether they be male or female. I feel that everyone can relate to this poem on some level. Everyone has at some point in time had a hard relationship whether it be a friend, boy/girlfriend, or family member.

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