Making It Work | Teen Ink

Making It Work

May 15, 2016
By djwatt17 BRONZE, Euless, Texas
djwatt17 BRONZE, Euless, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her sunny days are cold and bleak to me,

And my fair weather pours on her as rain.

When warmth she feels, and clear skies can she see,

My mind is clouded, and alight with pain.

Such charitable kindness does she show

To all, they say, yet I am left with none.

Though bubbling laughter sets her face aglow,

Her mirth only begins when mine's undone.

But as my sun goes down and her dawn breaks,

For just awhile our skies are lit as one,

And this one moment of harmony makes

It all seem worth it, then the moment's gone.

Though hope for lasting peace fled long ago,

I cannot help but love her even so.

The author's comments:

After a particularly caustic exchange with my (then) girlfriend last year, I wrote this sonnet as an effort to put into words both the struggle of trying to reconcile our conflicting personalities, and the joy felt when such a reconciliation was achieved.

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