Inexplicable | Teen Ink


May 18, 2016
By evaherron BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
evaherron BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cruel Mind, what answers do you seek from me,
For I know not a way that I might tell
In such a way that would do to serve well
The divine anguish that one cannot see.
My Reason will beseech my heart to share
The reason to withstand this blissful pain;
It claims to have seen Love lucid and clear
Yet Wit falls short, and words are said in vain.
There is no single word among mankind
That solves this everlasting plight for men;
Love lives within the queries of our Souls
Apart from all vindication Reason finds.
So let us drown in the ambivalence
Before Wit’s grueling cries do take their toll

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by Petrarchan sonnets, and their attempts to define love concretely. My piece is somewhat of a response to Petrarch and others who attempt to define love, by arguing that love is an illusive concept that cannot have a single definition.

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