Anthem for Hopeful Youth | Teen Ink

Anthem for Hopeful Youth

September 14, 2016
By Anonymous

This world is cruel
This world is vain
And many times
Will cause us pain
No matter the scars
No matter the bruises
I want you to know
What the truth is
The decisions you make
The rules that you break
The paths that you take
Is life keeping you awake
But in the midst
Of all this crap
We should all know
We fill this map
Nothing is finished
Nothing is done
All that’s been created
Can be undone
We know the beginning
But what is the end?
Sometimes the world
is hard to comprehend
If you just listen
While I explain
You’ll understand
the reasons I came.
I came not for your fortune
Nor for your gain
Not to create joy
Or to cause pain
I came to shed light
To help make things right
To broaden your sight
To give the weak might
People on the street
The ones with nothing to eat
They have no shoes on their feet
No one there to meet.
Innocents fighting the hardest fight
Fighting for their life
While life has only caused them strife
The cut was like a knife
No one cares to see
All the pain there be
All the suffering
How even life has a fee
The job we have today
Today and everyday
The lives that we can save
The lessons we can take
We may not be direct
With all the things that we protect
All those causes we erect
That keep our lives from being wrecked
We stand together here
To fight for what we hold dear
To take hold of what we hear
To prepare for what is near
We need to turn our views around
See from both sides of the coin
Our actions need to make a sound
Let other people kion
Let them join the force we’ve built
To change our life around
The world should upside-down be tilt
Our force must shake the ground
Our anthem is what we believe
The praise we will one day receive
One day when no one more shall grieve
The pain and sufferings been relieved

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