My Sun | Teen Ink

My Sun

November 3, 2016
By mermaidmom BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
mermaidmom BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You're a spitting image of Apollo,

With those mighty eyes that blaze like the sun. 

Anyone would look at you and follow, 

Although you never trusted anyone. 

From the moment I saw you, I loved you.

And the minute you walked through those two doors, 

You're the only thing I painted and drew.

I'd feel like I drank the whole liquor store. 

You asked me, "Can't you be serious, fool?" 

And all I replied with was "I am wild."

You're actions have started to make me drool,

Especially with the way your hair's styled. 

When we told each other that we believe, 

Your side, I had never wanted to leave.

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