basketball | Teen Ink


March 29, 2017
By B.Justus BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
B.Justus BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I shot the basketball all you heard,

was the swish of the net, the buzzer, and crowd.

To think i would miss would be absurd.

It was like I was sitting on a cloud.

Time for half time with the scored all tied up.

When the teams come out of the loker room

the crowd will rise and suddenly erupt.

Because the other team will meet their doom.

Third quarter starts with a defensive foul.

The players know the pressure is on.

We came alive like a vicious night owl.

They might as well start the bus and be gone.

We are the Eagles from Tech Junior High.

No one can stop us because we all fly.

The author's comments:

Tis happened in real life when we play our rivals the Paragould Rams.

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