Disgusting | Teen Ink


September 18, 2019
By Anonymous

The writing titled “Disgusting” written by Sasha Lynn Roberts, talks about Brooklyn NY. Her writing left me feeling like the city is sad and forgotten.This article describes a woman's neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. I cannot agree or disagree with this article, but I can relate with it. Last year my family and I took a trip to Chicago. Although it was a pretty city, there were trash heaps in almost every ally. Litter everywhere: like nobody even cared. In the article, Sasha states, “In the winter we get snow to our knees, but never see a single salt truck.” I can relate to this statement as well. In Ohio we always get snow in the winter, but the roads are always still icy. I feel bad for the author when she says her neighborhood is, “The moldy toenail of Brooklyn.” This statement made me feel sympathy for the city and the author. In conclusion, this is a sad article about a sad city, and people need to take care of their communities.

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