Review of Yellow Vans | Teen Ink

Review of Yellow Vans

October 24, 2019
By danielson23 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
danielson23 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Immature is a word boring people use to describe fun people. -Will Ferrell

In the article “Yellow Vans” I could not comprehend how the speaker must have felt. In a wheel chair 24/7 not being able to walk or do anything about thier condition. Having to take medicine every four hours to fell like yourself. Then to just have your friends joke about it as they said, “Hey can you pass me an Oxy?” The author wishing she wouldn’t have to take a pill so she wouldn’t be in extreme pain all the time. She misses all the things she used to do like skating or wearing shoes cause she developed a disability from walking incorrectly. As she stated, “...and my favorite pair of Converse remain virtually untouched in my closet.” This article shows how she misses her life before being wheel chair bound.

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