My Trip to the Badlands | Teen Ink

My Trip to the Badlands

December 11, 2023
By Anonymous

Last summer, my family and I visited Badlands National Park in South Dakota. The trip took a very long time, almost a full day in the car. I was enthusiastic, as I'd heard good things about the Badlands. I understood them to be a plains with some mountains, but nothing to get worked up over. However, on arrival, I realized that I couldn't have been more wrong.

From the start, the mountains were a sight to see. Ripples of red and orange painted the brown land, and in the light of the molten sun, it was a marvelous landscape. Stepping out of the car, I walked to the edge of the desert, blown away by the sight. It was a hot, dry day, but a cool breeze shone through to make it much less painful. Occasionally, a cloud would fly by, providing temporary shade for the hikers. 

I began to hike, walking far ahead of my family, who were taking their time to soak up the sights. I wasted no time running to a hill and climbing. My hands were slick with sweat, but I didn't slip once, and I made it to the top of the hill. As I looked all around me, I spotted sparse hikers following similar paths to me. The landscape was jagged, every peak rising higher and every valley sinking lower as it went on. Taken by the beauty surrounding me, I continued to climb, not missing a single cliff.

My family spent the entire day at the Badlands, and it was a day well spent. The landscape is unbelievably beautiful, the weather was nice, and the tour guides were both personable and helpful. For future visitors, make sure to dress for the weather, as the summers can be scorching. Bring sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses as you feel necessary. 

The author's comments:

Fun trip

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