The Maze Runner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner

June 21, 2018
By MarcusBerko BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
MarcusBerko BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Maze Runner by James Dashner is an amazing book. It’s full of action,adventure,  and mystery that makes the reader excited to know what’s going to happen. I recognized that  the book has a lot of description and cliffhangers and foreshadowing that keeps the reader going and keeps them astonished how the wording is that makes the reader surprised. “ Listen to me green bean”, is one of the quotes from the book. A Greenbean means a person that is newbie.

I think the main event that got to me was the time when the “Walls” wouldn’t shut and the grievers were coming out and killing all the rest of the gladers. I felt like everyone was going to die. The character Thomas is such a great aspect  to the gladers he is a well drown out leader. Alby was also a great leader that should of been talked about more. Newt is the type of character to hold everyone together and always makes the right decisions.

The book reminds me a little of Harry Potter on how Harry was a great leader that gets everyone out of trouble and then Ronald is the one that keeps everyone together. I think there has to be more leaders in the world that make the right calls and help others before worrying about themselves. I thought of some questions while reading the book and one was, why does so and so die and we do they not remember their names.  

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