The House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street

October 7, 2018
By Sparklem101 BRONZE, Lancaster, California
Sparklem101 BRONZE, Lancaster, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
''Your never too little to dream big''

The House on Mango Street is a brilliant, interesting, and funny novel. It is a good book for young teens or adults to read and and to their book collection. The author Cisneros asserts that the goal of this novel was to make the novel accessible to everyone. Some readers may wonder what the importance of this book is after finishing the book by Cisneros. One of the most important themes or aspects of this enjoyable novel is the power of words. For example, Mamacita one of the characters from the novel, who is trapped in her apartment by her ignorance and fear of English. Just like any story or book, it includes a symbol. The symbolic meaning behind this novel is the struggle to define herself underscores her every action and encounter. I would highly suggest this book by Sandra Cisneros before many others.


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