YUMMY BY G. Neri | Teen Ink


January 23, 2019
By burbankcity BRONZE, Sacramento, California
burbankcity BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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I don't read books  but this book caught my eye because the cover of the book had the words Yummy.. I thought that it will be about food but what really caught my attention is how the cover has a young kid from the ghetto on it. This book that was made by G. Neri wasn't about food not at all it was actually based on a true story about this kid whose name is Yummy from the deep hood in chicago with nuthin but drugs and people dying in his surrounding area. Which lots of us hoodrats can relate to especially the part of seeing or hearing about people die around us and it's even tougher for the ones who finds out it's a love one who passed.

Yummy has a weird mix of emotions because he's unpredictable one time he can act all hard and not care about nobody but himself then a person can grab something from his childhood then he will flip out like a mom seeing her baby die. Yummy is also a short kid with an dysfunctional family while I realize that from reading I had automatically thought of my life because my family is very dysfunctional. Yummy is also consistently being targeted for his sins he committed. The worst one he made was an accident which what happens when you try to live or follow the rules of the streets.

I feel that the pictures in the book is perfect for the words that are put in the book the reason why I say that is because the words alone is enough for us to picture the situations alone but adding the pictures makes it feel extra real. A good example of how I feel is when i went to go see the movie avengers in 3D for the first time.

So yeah go read this book cause it just made a person who doesn't read love books!

And for those readers who likes making connections to the main characters read this book ASAP. And I truly know that you can all learn from Yummys mistakes.

The author's comments:

Based on a true story

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