The Adoration Of Jenna Fox | Teen Ink

The Adoration Of Jenna Fox

November 18, 2022
By leahwilliams BRONZE, Dexter Michigan, Michigan
leahwilliams BRONZE, Dexter Michigan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being in a life-changing accident causing you to go into a year-long coma. The Adoration Of Jenna Fox, by Mary E. Pearson, is a sci-fi book about a 17-year-old girl named Jenna Fox who got into an accident and went into a year-long coma. The doctors thought she would never wake up again because of how horrible her accident was. After awakening from her coma, her mother, Claire, and grandma, Lily, showed her videos of her before her accident to try and recover her memory. She moved to California from Boston with her father, Claire, and Lily. She started going to a small local school there and meeting new people. She gets curious and goes through her mother’s closet and finds something she would have never expected to find. 

Mary E Pearson did a wonderful job expressing Jenna’s thoughts and feelings. I really enjoyed this book because of the dramatic scenes and details she added. It really hooked me into the book and made me want to never put the book down and keep reading to find out what happens next. This book is set in the future but some parts made it seem realistic and that it hasn't happened but it could. The theme of this book is a parent-child relationship because Jenna’s parents give Jenna another chance at life. Overall, I really liked this book and I recommend it to teens and young adults just because it has some mature topics that are talked about.

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