The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebolt | Teen Ink

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebolt

January 6, 2010
By Anonymous

The book the Lovely bones written by Alice Sebolt is a fictional story although it can even be described as an adventure novel or mystery. Some of the events can be real because Alice Sebolt based this story after her own life experience of being brutally beaten and raped. The events could really happen, however the way the story is told is sort of a fantasy.

In the book, Susie Salmon is 14 when she is raped and murdered by a neighbor, a serial killer who moves from town to town after each of his crimes. Susie's death turns her family and friends for the worst as they each try to overcome the tragedy in their own way. Susie narrates the story from heaven, watching her friends, family, and the murderer move on with their lives.

After reading, I really like the book it keeps you interested at every point and you don’t want to put it down. All the characters have their own personality and in some way you can relate to each character by what they experience and overcome through out the novel. I would highly recommend this book to someone who likes a mystery seeking novel. I would defiantly read another book from Alice Sebolt because all of her books reflect her own life experiences and those that others could relate too.


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