She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb | Teen Ink

She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb MAG

By Anonymous

   She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb It may seem to you like right now, things aren't going well for you at all. With the pressures of college, driving, sports, school and friends, it can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you have bigger problems along with it. If you can find time to read She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb, do so. I'm not saying that no one's life is harder than Dolores Price's, but the problems that seem big to you will seem very, very small compared to Dolores' lifetime of hardships. Dolores is a bitter girl after her parents separate. Her father rarely calls, which hurts her even more because she always had been so close to him. It seems as if from then on, whenever she comes to trust anyone, something awful happens. Lamb takes you from Dolores' childhood to being a young woman, to middle age.When Dolores is about to graduate high school, she weighs in at 257 pounds - weight that accumulated from stuffing herself with every kind of food and sitting in front of the television for years. Her mother indulges her every wish out of guilt. It takes a tragedy for Dolores to decide to give college a try, but she finds that she still doesn't fit in any better than she fits into the jeans she constantly wears. Confused, Dolores is alone and doesn't know what to do or where to go. When she hits rock bottom, things start to look up. But not without a few more scars does Dolores find happiness in herself and with another


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i love this !