Sing Me To Sleep by Angela Morrison | Teen Ink

Sing Me To Sleep by Angela Morrison

April 9, 2010
By z3CarGaragez SILVER, Altamont, New York
z3CarGaragez SILVER, Altamont, New York
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything changes.-Taylor Hanson

Sing Me To Sleep is a book that is filled with passion and love and a tenderness like no other. The book starts off with Beth in the role of the "Beast." Every person in the school hates her and is mean to her except for Scott. Scott who is kind to her, good to her in ways that no one else ever has been. Scott is her best friend and has been with her through everything, but when they go to the prom together things start to get weird between them.
The only escape Beth has is music. Beth sings in the Bliss Youth Singers, a talented group of girls and when she finally gets a chance to shine for once, she takes it. Her singing is powerful and can take you to new faraway places and make you see things you have never seen before. Beth's singing gets the group into the Choral Olympics in Switzerland and the group is ecstatic to be going. Especially since the Amabile Young Men's Ensemble is also going to be their and they are, as everyone knows, the best of the best. Her fellow singer give her a complete makeover and turn her in a Beauty that even the meanest bully falls for.
While in Switzerland she meets Derek, part of the Amabile group and he come with a voice to die for. Amazingly to Beth he appears to be interested in her and they immediately hit it off and a romance starts to kindle. As the trip comes to a close they are close than ever before and deeply in love even at such a young age.
They return home and that is when the real struggle begins. Derek is holding something back from Beth, something that he isn't telling her, something that could change both of their lives forever. Beth desperately tries to get him to tell her what is going on but he refuses and more than once he disappears for a while before suddenly reappearing in her life. They are always in love though and the disappearing acts aren't always following a fight leaving Beth to think that there may be another woman in the picture or maybe possibly a drug problem...
When Derek disappears for longer than he ever has before Beth starts to get really worried that it was something that she did or said that is keeping him away. Something that she did that made him not love her anymore. Then she witnesses just what is really going on with Derek and it tears her world and his apart. He never wanted her to find out but now that she knows she has a decision to make. Derek needs her more than ever but will love evade them and slip through their fingers like water in the ocean?
This book is heart wrenching and tear jerking and inspirational all at once. You will smile at the beginning, worry at the middle, and cry at the end but it is all worthwhile because it is a truly good book. It draws emotion out of you until you feel like you know the characters and were in the story. It makes you feel until you hurt like Beth, Derek, and even Scott hurt. It makes you want to be able to fix or do something about all of their problems. Most importantly though it makes you want to love like Beth and Derek did. Their love was deep and true and it only makes you wish that you could experience something like that yourself one day or if you already have, it makes you cherish it and never want to let it go. If you have loved like Beth and Derek hold on to that person and never let them go and if you haven't go out and find them because it's worth it to have what they did, it really is.

The author's comments:
This book touched me and made me cry as if I was experiencing the characters pain as my own. It made me yearn to find a person like Derek in my life who I could fall in love with and who would love me too. This books made me wish that I could do something, anything for Beth and Derek to be together and I cried my heart our when it just didn't work out. From the bottom of my heart I wish that it had and as soon as I finished it I knew that I had to write something about it because it had affected me so much.


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