Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

June 3, 2010
By Anonymous

In America, it is sometimes difficult to find a decent romance novel to read. Well, Breaking Dawn would be a great choice if you’re looking for a long book with a complicated conflict. This book by Stephanie Meyer starts off with Bella and Edward getting married and then they get pregnant and the baby is killing Bella. Then, it goes into Jacob Black’s perspective on everything and finally Bella has the baby but it is illegal in the vampire world so the “vampire royalty” come to kill her only to find there is one other of her kind. So, in the end Bella becomes a vampire and there is supposedly this war going to occur over the baby but it never really happens. Readers who enjoy a long novel based on vampires with vivid description and believable dialogue would be captivated by Breaking Dawn but I wouldn’t recommend this book if you are looking for an uncomplicated conflict.
To start, this book is filled with many descriptions that take you into the world of Breaking Dawn. Throughout the story, Stephanie Meyer uses great description that gives the reader a very vivid picture. For instance, on page 28, it states, “There was a squeal against the window—someone deliberately scraping their steel nails across the glass to make a horrible, cover-your-ears, goose-bumps-down-your-spine noise. I shuddered.” In this exert, it seems as though I am in the book, which proves that there is awesome description. This among other descriptions clearly shows that Breaking Dawn is a must-read for people who want to be taken into the story though the vibrant descriptions.

Next, the dialogue in Breaking Dawn was very believable and it helped the characters to truly come alive. With the conversation happening in the book, it was easy to imagine each character saying the words in the book. An example of this can be found on page 420 when Edward says, “Bella, you’re behaving like you’re decades rather than days old.” This is very believable since Edward is 90 years old and stuck in a 17-year-old body. Therefore, it seems that he has been a vampire for longer so a reader would expect him to say such a thing. All of the discussion within this book shows that it is great read for readers who like authentic dialogue.

Although Breaking Dawn was a pretty good book, it had a very confusing conflict. I still don’t even understand it. It started off with Bella and Edward’s wedding, in the middle it talked about Jacob’s feelings about everything going on for a while and in the end it went into this vampire war that never even took place. It all started with Bella and Edward’s wedding, on page 47, when Bella walked down the isle, “The music was louder in the hall. It floated up the stairs along with the fragrance of a million flowers.” Then, it goes into Jacob’s feelings and what he is going through. An example can be found on page 190 when Jacob Black says, “You’re dying for nothing, Bella! Nothing!” This shows that Jacob is angry about the baby inside of Bella and that it randomly goes into his thoughts about everything. This also doesn’t really have anything to do with the wedding in the beginning or the war at the end. Next, this supposed vampire war is going to happen because the Cullens did something wrong. On page 710, this is evidence that a war could have happened because “The Volturi guard no longer stood at disciplined attention—they were crouched forward, waiting to spring the counterstrike the moment we attacked.” This shows that there was supposedly a battle coming and in the end it never even happened. So, in all I wasn’t really sure what the conflict was, which made it confusing and hard to follow. With all said and done, I really thought that the conflict was a little too confusing.

In conclusion, Breaking Dawn would be a tremendous book for anyone who enjoys great dialogue and description but if you want a comprehensible conflict than I would steer clear. However, Stephanie Meyer really brings the world to life with all the vivacious descriptions. To top off the description, the convincing dialogue is also a catch because it is so realistic. On the other hand, if you are looking for a book with a graspable conflict than I would steer clear because this book hops around to many different subjects from beginning to end. So, anyone who takes pleasure in a romance novel about vampires would be captivated by its astonishing description and dialogue but mighty be intrigued by the confusing conflict.

The author's comments:
We had to write it for school.


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