Genre Generic! | Teen Ink

Genre Generic!

July 23, 2010
By Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
Thinker PLATINUM, Na, Connecticut
47 articles 0 photos 82 comments

Favorite Quote:
A wise word does not make the speaker wise.

Why is it that I can't tell one author from the next? Why is it that I feel annoyed after one or two paragraphs? Why do I keep reading others works out of faith that I will one day find a writer who can write an original work that doesn't seem so awkward that it is almost un-readable? I think to myself, "You’re fooling yourself if you think your work is better than theirs" or "You can't compare your peers to your favorite authors". But then I think of my favorite quote "Act as the person you wish to become", meaning that if you want to get better act like the best do. Sorry to say but most of the pieces I read are just a waste of my time, and no-one has said anything against my work... so, I can say such things with justified and fevered conviction.

The author's comments:
This picture is definitely not generic!


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