Chanda's Wars by Allan Stratton | Teen Ink

Chanda's Wars by Allan Stratton

October 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Can you imagine your younger sister or brother being kidnapped by a psycho murderer? In Chanda’s Wars she acts as a predator tacking down her prey, trying to trace the steps of Mandiki, a general rebel.

Chanda’s Wars is a story about a teenage girl who is struggling to raise her little brother and sister after her mother has passed. While the country nearby is having a Civil War, rebels led by general Mandiki attack at night kidnapping children. Chanda must face the unthinkable and risks everything to save her brother and sister who have become victims of the kidnapping. In the book it explains Chanda’s efforts to get her family back together safe and sound.
What I liked about this book is that it kept me interested, it made me want to read more and more. I like stories that involve teenagers, struggle, conflict, pain, and love, which this book involved all. If you don’t like any of the things I’ve listed, this isn’t something you probably would take pleasure in reading. I’d recommend this book to teenagers or adults that enjoy reading about families or anything I’ve named above.


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