Lost it by Kirsten Tracy | Teen Ink

Lost it by Kirsten Tracy

January 10, 2011
By Nataly Castro BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
Nataly Castro BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
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Sixteen-year-old Tess whistles’ is a young girl. She never thought that one good looking guy named Benjamin Easter could change her life. Idaho is a typical place where guys can be wild. Tess doesn’t know what she’s going to go through with Ben and his adventures. Her friend Zena is trying to help out Tess in not get hurt by this guy that’s driving Tess crazy. Tess can be very childish at times and that’s ones thing that Ben doesn’t like, but if Ben realizes that Tess can be mature Ben might take her back.
Kristen Tracy makes the reader think that people can’t be mature until they have actually had responsibility and know what life is actually about. For example, before Ben broke up with Tess, there was an incident where Ben rejected her in going on further than just making out. Tess thought “But I didn’t like the way his rejection felt. I wanted to be the one who said when to stop” (36). Showing that Tess thought this way, it makes Tess look like she’s still not mature to know that when it means to stop, then stop. Kristen has a good way of describing what’s going on in the story such as when Tess and Ben were home alone making out and rolling on the bed.
This book Lost it, should be for readers ages 17 and above or audience that are mature and take things seriously. Also if the audience likes the Twilight series, this novel can be a little similar to it because Tess will do anything for Ben just like Bella will do for Edward. The book Lost it, can really show the readers a life lesson and make the audience think of there actions. Therefore this book is very interesting and can be graphic description but worth reading.


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