Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce | Teen Ink

Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce

May 28, 2011
By Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

Trickster’s Choice, the first book in Tamora Pierce’s fantastic new fantasy quartet, is filled with prophecies, danger, spies, political drama and of course, love. Pierce introduces a new character, Alianne (Aly to her friends), Alanna’s daughter. At 16, Aly is desperate to work for her father as a spy, but is forbidden to do so by her parents, who feel she is too young and inexperienced. She gets to prove herself- but not in the way she expects...

The flow is excellent and the plot’s twists and turns make it an enjoyable read. The book has all the elements of an engaging story. The characters, such as Aly and setting, Copper Isles are fictional, but still real enough that the reader can imagine them to be real. The political and religious drama works well with the story line and provide added interest. Aly’s wager with the god Kyprioth starts the timer running on her adventure and unveils a behind-the-scene look at the ruling deities of this land.

Aly is a wonderful heroine whose bravery and cunning will inspire and interest teen readers. Her bargain with the local god puts her and others in danger, yet her clear thinking and bold actions yield her surprising success, which will attract the more rebellious teens! Pierce deals with the issue of discrimination calmly and in a straight forwards manner. The beginnings of romance between a man-crow named Nawat and Aly is woven into the story, which will appeal to teens that are more romantic. His innocence and loyalty will make him loved by all readers.

The sequel is Trickster’s choice.

The author's comments:
This is definitly NOT my best review, so let me know how I can improve! Thanks!

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This article has 4 comments.

on Aug. 3 2011 at 8:11 pm
CarrieAnn13 GOLD, Goodsoil, Other
12 articles 10 photos 1646 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." --Douglas Adams

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." --Marcus Aurelius

Great review!  Maybe you could have summarized the book a bit more and used a tiny bit less opinion, but other than that (and the mistake in naming the sequel), it was good. :)

on Jun. 10 2011 at 5:20 am
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

Oooopppsss.... That was stupid and careless of me... I'll get more comments then I'll fix it up... What did you think about the review?