The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver | Teen Ink

The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver

March 14, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Wolf Brother. Spirit Walker. Soul Eater. The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. Michelle Paver. Books of fellowship. Of treachery. Of self-sacrifice. Spellbinding. Fast-paced. Mystical Intriguing. Thrilling. Unusual. Enthralling. I walked through the book fair looking at all the title-less books, then...there it was. The first book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. Its's title stuck out like a hot pink butterfly on a blackboard. The book that got me hooked to the whole series.

Michelle Paver is the author of the series, the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. She has been dreaming about running with wild wolves through the prehistoric forest since the age of ten. She is the author of many adult novel, and Wolf Brother was the first book that she has ever written for young adults. The three books, Wolf Brother, Spirit Walker, and Soul Eater, are fiction-history-mystical-fantasy books. There are more books suppose to come out, and I am now waiting for them to be published so that I can read them.

Hooks; ideas in books or stories that “hook” you into the story or book. The hooks in these books are unbelievably great! They all start out the same with some kind of an attack. Almost everything in the books, introductions, chapter, and even endings (into the next book), uses hooks to grab your attention. The chapter of all three books start out the same: with an attack, Wolf Brother started out with a bear attack, Spirit Walker started with a deathly sickness killing many clan members, and Soul Eater started with something really important being stolen during a secretive attack. The cliff-hangers in the books are what really wanting to keep reading. By the middle of each book all of the chapters end in a cliff-hanger, and they leave you dying to know what happens next. While reading these books, I couldn't put the books down, unless my mom came in and took the book out of my hands because I was up reading to late. I finished all three books in no more than four days, because I couldn't put them down. Earlier on I mentioned that these books were historical. The reason I said that was because the author did a lot of research to write the books.(I know this because it said so in the Extras part in the back of the book. The descriptions in these books are so profound and in detail that I could actually see kthe things happening in my bedroom as I was reading them. Plus, the vocabulary levels are very high! I get A+'s in vocabulary, but I still struggled with some of the words. Best of all, the books are cheap! (Tip: Always get the paperback copy of a book. It will save you at least $10.00.) The paperback copies of these books are no more than $7.00!

In my opinion, these books are great, and anyone who likes to read about native Americans, wild adventures, or evil spirits, will really enjoy these books. Go buy the books, or check them out from the library nearest you. Once you read them, they will leave you intrigued. Enthralled. Thrilled. Feeling strong. Happy. Michelle Paver. Soul Eaters. Spirit Walker. Wolf Brother. The Chronicles of ancient Darkness.


This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 30 2010 at 12:04 pm
Chitra.I PLATINUM, Dubai, Other
44 articles 2 photos 131 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything makes sense if you think too much about it.

Firstly, I can't believe I'm the first one to comment.

I was actually going to write a review myself, but then decided to check that there already wasn't one.

I love the series too! Now, of course, all the books are out. I love the way she described everything. I mean, normally, eating frogs and giving offerings to trees would be rather odd. But not here.

Besides the action-adventure touch, there is also a deeper level where we see how, slowly, the darkness of a parallel dimension mixed with humanity. How once in a while someone creeps through the crack in the wall.

And it makes you realise how what we're now is part human and part demon.

Anyway, very well-written. =)