Matched by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Matched by Ally Condie

November 3, 2011
By Jenna Prather BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jenna Prather BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The best way to describe Matched by Ally Condie is intriguing. This science fiction book takes place in the futuristic place where government chooses all, like what you eat, when you die, and most importantly who you marry.

I would recommend this book to seventh graders and up, because it is a fast moving, action packed, romantic book. Ally Condie adds an unlikely situation to this futuristic place.
Cassia Reyes and her best friend Xander Carrow live in a place called the Inter Provinces, a good place, where you die when you are eighty years old. Here, you get the right amount of food and exercise, and are matched by society with your perfect match. Who will Xander and Cassia be matched with and what will come in between their lifelong friendship?
I really liked this book, because it had all the steps to making a good book like action, love, betrayal, and more. Matched is a very well-written book that is hard to put down. It is also my favorite book, and I hope to read the sequel as soon as it comes out.


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