Kane Chronicles Series by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

Kane Chronicles Series by Rick Riordan

November 3, 2011
By Thilini97 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Thilini97 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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The series Kane Chronicles is brilliant twist of Egyptian mythology and modern society. I loved these series because they are filled with humor, adventure, magic and even love! The story starts off when Carter and Sadie Kane two seemingly normal children discover they have blood of the pharaohs. Making them Egyptian magicians. Worse they are hosting powerful gods, which is forbidden in the house of life. The two siblings must set off on a quest filled with battling magicians, meeting gods, and fighting monsters.
This book was truly remarkable and a total must read. Rick Riordan wrote it in a great format of switching perspectives. I thought this was excellent because we got to see the view of the world through two completely different people (Cater and Sadie Kane). Also it was written beautifully, by using slightly foreshadowing hints to intrigue the reader. Its qualities other than its great format were the humor, real characters and the never ending suspense. The characters were so real it was easy to connect them to daily life. They were average kids (with a little kick of magic) like you and me. Sadie’s a headstrong rebel and Carter’s a goody-two-shoes smart mouth. A total must read for people in middle school and fantasy lovers. The series Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan is beyond doubt one of the best books I ever read.


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