The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch | Teen Ink

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

November 8, 2011
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch triggered laughs and tears as it opened the door for reminiscing thoughts of childhood memories. Professor Pausch is diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer because of ten tumors in his liver. Once he decided to give a last lecture at Carnegie Mellon University, all of his life lessons clashed into stories about living aggressively, not dying unexpectedly. The way Pausch referred to his flash-backs in first person explained the effects that were caused by his experiences and was chronologically compelling.

Within every part, there are chapters that relate to his opinions and advice. I was encouraged to understand why problems occur and how a better person is made with the resolution. His childish ways were contagious as I was obligated to take life slow, but at the same time, squeeze in as many smiles as possible. His advocacy for the pursuers will appeal to anyone in need of some guidance.
Pausch’s words tend to linger long after they are read. Throughout the book, it’s almost easy to forget that he’s dying because he is so positive and in love with life. I got lost in his words and felt the emotions that were stirred up by the events he described. His views on the world and how to live in it were appreciated and because his statements are so powerful and gentle, the reader forced to follow in his footsteps with his advice.
The Last Lecture was a breath of fresh air and hardly ever seemed to cease intriguing the reader. Having a life filled with roller coasters, his wisdom for a young family and the guide to life was inspiring in the sense that he never gave up on his determinations. Supporting a hasty generalization and a false dilemma, he believed that there were two characters a person could be in life: Eeyore or Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Thus, I commend Randy Pausch and admire him eminently because he chose to smile when he wanted to cry and laughed when his life was collapsing. Being a professor, Pausch helped structure the lives of many students. With his encouragement, those students as well as his readers will bounce around with a smile as they choose to live like Tigger.


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