The Help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

January 17, 2012
By Love_Faces23 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
Love_Faces23 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" You Only Live Once "

The Help …

Kathryn Stockett is a very strong author. Her book “The Help” is a very powerful and great book to read. It grabbed my attention in so many ways. One of my favorite characters in this book was Minny. She is a very outspoken and expressed her feelings in many ways. Also, she’s a very sassy person and wanted things to go her way. She did a very cruel thing to someone in this story. I love that attitude she has. Aibileen is very quiet and hardworking. She loves to get everything done and wants everyone to be satisfied. I Love Miss Skeeter. She is so helpful and courteous to others. These are three hardworking women that would do anything and everything to get things done.

I really like this book a lot. The main thing I really love about it is Miss Skeeter, and her work. She tries her hardest to work with Aibileen and Minny. I’ve never read about a “white” person wanting to help a “black maid” this much. She’s very curious about them and what they did. Miss Skeeter is very low key with all her work. She wants to accomplish all the things she had been aiming to accomplish. The way Miss Skeeter wants to help out Aibileen and Minny is so excellent!

There are some things that I didn’t really like and made me bored in the book. I didn’t really appreciate how Mae Mobley got mistreated. To me, this really didn’t go with the story that much. There were some chapters that were confusing and I did not understand what they were about. Some of them are very “dull” and needs more details. The way Aibileen and Minny gets treated makes me very angry. That’s what makes me not like most parts of the book.

I would recommend someone to read this book. It is a fantastic book. I love mostly everything about it. There are some parts that may make you a bit upset, but that’s what makes it so interesting. It is a great book for someone to read if they want to really know how maids were treated. There are also some very sad parts. I really like how the author puts everything together. This is a very tremendous book.

The author's comments:
This book was very mind inspiring. I'd recommmend everyone who hasn't read it, to read it.


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