The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton | Teen Ink

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

September 28, 2012
By Minecraftpwner BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
Minecraftpwner BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
"E un improwiso tuffe e diece, si gionfiano fathoms profounda sollo stroda per l'inferno

The Outsiders is overall a book full of suspense, violence, and nail-biting action. S.E
Hinton wrote this book at a young age when she was learning how to write. As you are reading
this, you will know she wrote was focused on writing it and she wrote it in a creative state of

This book is about 2 groups; the greasers and the Socs. The Socs wear khaki pants and
button-up shirts and give the greasers battle scars and bruises whenever they want. The
greasers wear dirty cut-off shirts, have greasy hair and carry switchblade knives to be “tuff”.

The gang has three brothers and four friends. Ponyboy Curtis isn’t the ideal fighting fan;
he doesn’t like the whole greasers vs. Soc idea. He just wants everybody to get along. Sodapop
Curtis loves his girlfriend, even after she doesn’t treat him right, but that’s just how Soda is.
Darrel Curtis is always shirtless, and he won’t let the Socs mess with him. Dallas Winston is
always in all black and caries illegal weapons to be tuff. Dally won’t let you touch
him unless HE wants you to. Two-Bit Matthews is not always looking for trouble, but also isn’t
the serious one. Steve Randle and Two-Bit are always together, I guess it’s because their
personalities are the same although Steve and Ponyboy don’t have a great connection. Johnny
Cade is far from the biggest and strongest of the group, but he definitely is the loved one.

The big event is the rumble. The greasers and Socs finally battle to see who is best and
deserves the rights. It’s crazy just how hard the teams fight and how bad they want it. It doesn’t
even take that long, the rumble is like a firework; as it rises, more suspense builds up, and then
the explosion happens. The teams are just beating and beating more on each other. Then it dies
down- the guys grow more tired and they run out of energy. The end soon happens, the smoke
slowly hits the ground- the losing team walks away in shame. The fight is violent and will grab
your attention.

I read The Outsiders cover to cover and when I closed it, I was in awe of how deeply it
affected me. It made me think about how badly certain people with a certain lifestyle were
treated back then, and how they couldn’t just accept each other, they had to fight. The whole
time I was reading it, I just didn’t want to stop and I wanted to watch the movie. I would say the
theme of this book is friendship because even though the characters fight, they are still loyal to
each other and trust each other. I strongly recommend reading TheOutsiders because it will
affect you like it affected me.

The author's comments:
My English teacher had me write a review of this book so I did and I enjoyed it and I hope you do, too.


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