Ladies In Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan | Teen Ink

Ladies In Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan

December 10, 2012
By Nearly_Confused SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
Nearly_Confused SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
7 articles 4 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was a child, I thought as a child, I spoke as a child; But when I became a man learned to put away all my childish things - 1 Corinthians 14:11

The three troublesome Elizabeth's are unleashed onto the world, unknown and rules free(at least in their opinion).
Eliza Parsloe is the daughter of a wealthy merchant ship owner. By the wishes of her dead mother, Eliza should only get married if she chooses her suitor. Sadly for Eliza the only man she ever wants to meet are the fictional ones that writes. Her father sends her away to the royal court in hopes of pushing his influence in through her.
Beth is the sweetest person you'd ever met, unfortunately you'd never find that out by the way she dresses. After her father drank and spent their money on women, Beth and her mother were kicked out of their house. Her mother, a wretched woman, tried to prostitute her only daughter for money. Beth is then called to queen by her mother's greediness. It's a shame the only person Beth is greedy for is her childhood lover, Henry; but her mother forbids it, claiming Henry's father introduced her father to his sinful ways.
Zabby Wodewose is definitely the tomboy that all the ladies would frown upon. She decides to head to England to study chemistry further with her godmother. Upon reaching the vast and peculiar land, Zabby runs into a rude, leader of a band of men who seems to be critically ill. After demanding to help him, she finds out that this leader is actually the King! For the next two weeks Zabby and Charles spend their time inside of a dingy room, getting to know each other. Too bad when Zabby is suspected to be the kings new mistress and is forced to be the queen's lady in waiting.
What will each girl do and How far will they go to get what they want?

The author's comments:
I loved every minuet of this book!!


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