Then I Met My Sister | Teen Ink

Then I Met My Sister

January 24, 2013
By Anonymous

Imagine living in the shadows of a dead sister, whom you never knew and met. Well that is Summer’s life in ...Then I Met My Sister by Christine Hurley Deriso. This book is about a young girl who lives behind her sisters “goody good” shadow. Everyone expects Summer to be like her dead sister, but when Summer gets a hold of Shannon's diary, she finds out that nothing that seemed to be true was the truth. If you enjoy sensitive and engaging family drama then this is the book that you would love to read, based on the great characters, the weird irony, and plot.

The first reason why you should read this book is based on the great characters. Take her friend Gibs for consideration. He is smart and helps her through the tough times that Summer has. “ ‘Well your grandfather was, like, a piece of you. But you can’t miss someone you never knew.’ Gib’s dark blue eyes flicker in my direction. ‘A sister’s not like some random ancestor. Great-great grandfathers are supposed to be dead. Sisters aren’t’ ” (Deriso 14). While you read this, it shows you that Gib’s is a smart, good person. Characters is one of the reasons you should read this book.

The second reason why you should read this book is because of the weird irony. Everyone in Summer’s family thought Shannon was a really good person. But when Summer started to read her sisters diary she reveals that Shannon hated being the good girl, for example “I may even dye my hair purple this summer, or get a tattoo of a water buffalo. Sorry to cramp your style, Mom, but I’m living dangerously this summer. Get used to it.” (48) Shannon wasn't what people wanted to be but she acted that way to make everyone happy. So she finally goes against her mother's will and starts to be who she thinks she really was. Irony is the other reason you should read this book.

The third reason why you should read this book is because of the resolution. Summer got tired holding this diary from her parents so she decided to show it to them “ ‘I don’t want to keep secrets,’ I say softly, then swallow hard and continue. ‘There is something I’d like you guys to see...’ ” (269) In the end Summer understood her parents and started to get closer to them. The resolution is the third reason to read this book.

In conclusion, if you like sensitive and engaging drama you should read this book .First reason are the characters, they are smart and good friends. The second reason is the weird irony, Shannon wasn’t the goody-good that people thought she was. The third reason is the plot, Summer finally understood her parents and decided not to keep any secrets from them. So if you enjoy some sort of drama this book is definitely for you.

Work Cited
Deriso, Christine Hurley. --Then I met my sister. Woodbury, Minn.: Flux, 2011. Print.


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