The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

August 11, 2013
By Meagan Carlson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Meagan Carlson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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read the story the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini as my summer reading assignment. The story is about a young boy whose name is Amir and the changes that he goes through in his life. This book brings many surprises along with violence and imagery. This novel teaches you many different life lessons, for example, judgment should never stop a friendship and selfishness should be overcome. Also, you should try your hardest to make wise decisions as a child because sometimes the wrong choices will haunt you forever. It also teaches you to be a faithful friend and what the definition of a good friend means. I also think Hosseini did a good job of describing the culture of Afghanistan. It has really taught me what the people in Afghanistan are all about. They are very loyal and faithful people to their country and to their communities. I also think Khaled Hosseini taught a really great life lesson, and that is to let go of the past and start new. This book created many different kinds of emotions for the reader. It made me sad, happy, confused, and grateful. I definitely recommend this book to people that like surprising and intense novels. This book has made me appreciate how easy my life is in America and how lucky I am. It makes me appreciate our military much more. This novel has touched my heart and I am sure it will touch any other readers too. I think Khaled Hosseini really captured the terrible events that happened during that time of disappointment in Afghanistan between all the killings and all the inhuman ways. You really learn how awful those times were for the people there. His details made the book come alive and created a lot of imagery in my head. I had a really hard time putting this book down, it was so intriguing. The author also did a great job of making you feel the emotions along with the main character. That really made the book unforgettable. If you are up for an adventurous book you would enjoy this novel. I was never bored with this book. It taught me many life lessons and opened my eyes to a different way of life. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it caught my attention and was thrilling. I am very glad I read this book and you would be too.


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