Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott | Teen Ink

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

August 18, 2013
By gtlnevada BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
gtlnevada BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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Bird by Bird is a book all about writing and life. This book has much to offer to anyone that would like to hear, from a writer, about the truths of writing and publishing. I would also suggest this book for anyone that wants any advice on life in general. This book shows us all that at least one other person in our world goes through the same crazy “ups and downs” as we do. This story also tells us that life is not all about the finished project, it is about the journey to get there.

Near the start of her book, Lamott tells us how she teaches writing classes at workshops around the world. She tells us that at all of these classes, there are always people that just want to be published. These students are under the impression that as soon as you are published, you lead this fabulous life and never will face hardships again. Lamott states that “Publication will not make you any more confident or more beautiful, and it will probably not make you any richer.” This comes as a shock to some who think that publication will turn them into to dazzling people that hold the keys to the universe. Writing is more of a way of telling people what you have to say and sharing your own thoughts are advice with the world. She explains that writing is about personal growth and allowing oneself the ability to speak with others that share interests with you.

Lamott’s entire book keeps an extremely friendly and personal tone. The book is full of voice and personal touches. This book gives you a peak into the life of a woman that you have never met and allows you to feel that you know her. Through all of the personal stories and opinions Lamott manages to make an incredibly interesting and thought provoking story out of a subject that might not be considered awe inspiring by all. This book allows you into a little part of Anne Lamott’s world long enough to gain some information and then carry on with your our life.

I think that this is a great book that is full of much wisdom and advice for all people whether or not they are interested in writing. I am personally not interested in pursuing writing, but I still greatly enjoyed this book all the same. Anne Lamott has much great knowledge that is well worth your time. Lamott is here to share her own stories with us so that will have some information to work and grow with.

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