Defiance by Carla Jablonski and Leland Purvis | Teen Ink

Defiance by Carla Jablonski and Leland Purvis

August 27, 2013
By Confused_scheherazade ELITE, Brooklyn, New York, New York
Confused_scheherazade ELITE, Brooklyn, New York, New York
132 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know nothing, but of miracles.

Creators of the award-winning Resistance series continue with the second volume of their series, expanding on the spreading of World War 2 and the continuing efforts of the Tessiar family towards freedom in Defiance. In the second volume, Paul Tessiar continues to do small tasks for the French Resistance while also developing a yearning to do more, after the Milice, French military police instituted by the Germans, invade France and more men and women are sent off to work unwillingly for the German War effort. Unexpectedly seeing more Resistance in the rumors of the Marquis, a defiant group of passionate militant and armed resisters, Paul is enticed and willing to do anything, but stand by and see the war escalate. Yet Paul isn’t the only one. Marie, Paul’s younger sister, continues to grow older and wiser, finding disillusionment in French propaganda, getting in trouble at school for defying her jingoist teacher, while continuing to miss her father, in danger as a POW of missing her birthday again, while her sister, Sophie, finds herself literally flirting with the enemy in order to gain intelligence for the Resistance.
Will the dynamic Marquis will Paul away from his home and onto an even riskier path? The seemingly safe lives of Paul’s unoccupied France village are still becoming further entangled into the affairs of war, as the dangers and stakes grow stronger, and Paul and his siblings, Marie and Sophie, continue to do everything they can despite heartache, family tensions, and risk of exposure to save their country.


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