Succses | Teen Ink


October 7, 2013
By Mater BRONZE, Whesly Chaple, Florida
Mater BRONZE, Whesly Chaple, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If not you, than who," my school had come up with this Quote, and is used as an encouragement to spread the word about Christianity.

“Success” has been a weary and a desire that has outlasted time. In The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence, the family had lacked success in many areas. Including: The families’ relationship, the marriage between the parents, their jobs, and finances. Because of this, the mom in the beginning chose to blame her lack of success on her husband and other things. She lacked success because she didn’t put enough effort in her relationships and her work. This “pin it on the other” excuses the mother developed had put distance in between her and her family.

The author's comments:
An asignment for school, in english class, and wrote it while reading "The Rocking Hourse Winer."

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