The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

April 2, 2014
By Linsday Eller BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
Linsday Eller BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, in my opinion, is a very interesting book. It is part of a sequel. There are 3 books in the whole series; Catching Fire is the most interesting. The book uncovers a lot of mysteries from the first book, and at the end of the book it leaves off with a very good thrill that makes you want to instantly start reading Mockingjay.
Catching Fire is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen and a boy named Peeta Mellark. They were both partners in the 74th Annual Hunger Games in the first book. They go on the Victory Tour to visit each District. President Snow was not convinced enough that Katniss and Peeta were in true love, so during the Victory Tour they had to try to prove to Snow and the other Districts that they are. With having to do so, and having to prevent uprisings, the task may seem impossible. President Snow wasn’t convinced. They had to enter another Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta tried in all ways possible to not go back in the arena, but nothing worked. This time, the arena was completely different. The end of the book is a thrill.
I would recommend this book. The Hunger Games series are very interesting to read. Once you get into the first book, you won’t be able to sit the book down until you reach the end. After that, you might just have to pick up Catching Fire and start that book. Mockingjay is a very good book, too.
In conclusion, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a good book. I recommend at least picking up the book and reading the first chapter or so. You’ll see that the Hunger Games books aren’t as bad as most people make them out to be. There is much mystery, thrill, and suspense that will instantly get you hooked to the whole series.


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