my side of the Mountain by Jean Geroge | Teen Ink

my side of the Mountain by Jean Geroge

April 2, 2014
By Scooter67 BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
Scooter67 BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My side of the mountain is a kid who ran away to live on his own. That is in deep in the woods near a mountain were he has to test his abilities out in the wild to survive. His life was a hard life his parents didn’t give him much freedom. In my opinion I think people need to be able to take care of themselves because once you get a family one day you are in charge of yourself.
I do think you should read this book it’s a story that tells you that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Because when you do read this this kid gets deer and birds of homemade traps and snags.
This book should be geared to people who like to explore and discover. People that have an imagination,
cause most people now day’s people always have someone to help them with things people never new want it’s like to be in charge of your things for example usually kids will lose it many times in a row. So that’s want I mean by for this book this kid goes and lives on his own in the wild.
To some all this up I would say that in real life just keep an I eye on your things cause some things like a study guide for the test and you didn’t study well then you will get a bad grade it shows on your report card then. When it’s time to get a job you can’t because you didn’t get enough schooling

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