The Outsiders | Teen Ink

The Outsiders

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

At almost every school you'll find different cliques but nothing like the Greasers and the Soc's. These two groups have been fighting each other for as long as anyone can remember, and sometimes their fighting can get a little out of hand. The Soc's idea of fun is beating up the Greasers, but did they ever stop to think about why they were doing this? Will someone ever win this fight, or will a rumble still have to occur?
Ponyboy Curtis is the main character and he, unlike other greasers, is caring, and actually shows emotions. Johnny is Ponyboys best friend; they share secrets, and spend a lot of time together. In this book Ponyboy struggles to find his identity, in the process of doing this he and Johnny get themselves caught up in some trouble. If you like realistic fiction books you will love The Outsiders. The Outsiders is a book that shows how whatever decisions you make your friends always have your back. Even though it did not have a happy ending; it made me thankful for having such good friends.


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