A Very Hexy Valentine's Day (Hex Hall, #3.1) by Rachel Hawkins | Teen Ink

A Very Hexy Valentine's Day (Hex Hall, #3.1) by Rachel Hawkins

September 16, 2014
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Ah, Valentine’s day. And what more could you ask for on this February 14th, than to spend it with your favorite Hex Halls couple? If you had not read the third book, please do so before even looking up this book! As it is a short story of Sophie and whoever she ends up with at the end of the third book.  So read this book and experience Sophie and his (whomever he may be) very special Valentine’s day.

This is the shortest book in the word. The whole book is about 660 words long. Honestly, it is not even a book, as just googling the title and you can find the book on tumbler or other sites. The reason why I did not like this book was that I felt it wasted my time. After the five minutes it took me to read the entire thing, I thought “Well that as a waste”. It does not tell you anything about anyone. It could have been a fan fiction, some ten year-old wrote up.  All it told us was that Sophie and her man are still together and in love, and Sophie is still friends with Jenna. That’s it. Rachel added a “tradition” that made it seem like there was more to the story, but she cut it off right before anything could happen. This book will not ruin your view on the Hex Halls characters, but I found it a very pointless read.

The author's comments:

I spent longer writing this review, than reading the book. 


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