A child called it by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A child called it by Dave Pelzer

October 29, 2014
By Jayphin SILVER, Wilmigton, Delaware
Jayphin SILVER, Wilmigton, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                          A child called “it”
                                              Dave Pelzer

        Did you ever think of your parents to be the worst of all times?  if you think your parents are the worsts because they punished you by not letting you go to your friends house or takes your phone away than does are not mayor punishments. If your parents did not give you bigger punishments than be grateful. Dave Pelzer would of been grateful if those were his only punishments given by his mom. Every detail in this book would probably make you realize that your childhood has been great or at least better than his.
     Dave Pelzer actually wrote this book based on his life as an abused child. In every chapter of the book things get worst then the previous. Pelzer wrote this book with explicit details. Dave Pelzer's book is really heart touching. I personally like this book because he had so much courage to write it.
    "A child called it "is a bit disturbing when he starts talking about the punishments his mom would give him. This book also makes you reflect why alcoholic drinks and drugs are great weapons to destroy a happy family. In this book Pelzer talks about how happy his family was before all the atrocities started to occur. From being a joyful family to a living hell was hard for Pelzer to assimilate at his age. He was only in the first grade when he started to get the punishments. At first the punishments were probably very tolerable, but as the time passed it started to become more severe. The punishments started by making him stand in the mirror and repeating, "I'm a bad boy". The punishments escalated to the point where his life was at risk. His mom would not only punish him with physical violence but also with humiliations. Pelzer refuge was school and being at home was like being in the devils house. This book of course is non-fiction. Pelzer talks more about the incidents that took over his infancy and that scared him forever.

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