The Chronicles of Narnia: The Dawn Treader by Kailani Ka'aihue | Teen Ink

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Dawn Treader by Kailani Ka'aihue

February 4, 2015
By Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We spoken often of Narnia in the days that followed, when my cousins left after the war ended, I missed them with all my heart, as I know all Narnians will miss them 'til the end of time-said by Eustace in the Dawn Treader Movie. After their previous visits to Narnia Lucy, and Edmund mistakenly return to Narnia with their theoretical cousin, Eustace. Through magic they are teleported through Narnia, and sail on the Dawn Treader with Prince Caspian, and other old friends they made in the previous books/movies. Their mission is to find the Seven Lords throughout the Eastern Islands, and meet or find their reason of death. The Dawn Treader book is a beautifully written plot for the whole family, but the movie directors had made tons of changes from the book that make it a more intense, and vibrant. Even though I’d watched this movie before it was a good refresher to see the differences between the movie, and book.

      The first thing that totally surprised me, and excited me about the movie was the major plot twists they added on the overall feel of the original story. The directors added in significant information to the movie such as: the blue star, the gathering of the Lord’s swords, and the haunting mist. In the movie there is an evil-green mist that haunts the crew members making their worst nightmares true throughout the whole movie. In the book this mist isn’t described at all. In the book the crew’s mission was to find all the Seven Lords or find their reason of death, they did all of this in the movie, and were also assigned to line up all seven of the Lord’s swords on Aslan’s table, which they didn’t do in the book. The last thing added to the movie was the blue star which was a sign in the movie that led to Ramandu’s island where Aslan’s table laid. In the movie the blue star was actually Ramandu’s daughter, Lilliandil, whom King Caspian falls in love with in the end of the book. In the book the blue star isn’t a key point in finishing their mission. Although these changes were confusing at times, they were amazing, and added to the intensity, and action of the movie.


        Another difference between the movie, and book are the characters, and settings described. Gael is a main character in the movie who sneaks on the Dawn Treader, and becomes a close companion to Lucy. She is simply an add-on character to the movie, and isn’t in any of the other “Chronicles of Narnia” books. She is a sweet, brave, and pleasant girl in the movie, and was a nice touch to the final cast. Another character in
the movie not at all mentioned in the book was the White Witch. She played a minor role as a siren/ evil-mist in the movie trying to convince Edmund to join her side. But nor her or such mist is described in the book. The special effects, and settings to this movie were amazing, and really made the book come to life with even more detail than I’d expected. During the scene of the Dark Island I was expecting more of a low key scene with basically just a really dark shadow, and a siren making people’s fears came true but in a personal way. Instead this scene was filled with special effects such as: under sea monsters, green mist w/live like figures, and an incredible setting that is equally dark, and magical. These special effects, and extra characters creates a captivating film, and I feel all the directors, and producers did a great job making these final choices.

        There were tons of changes that brought this incredible book to life. These changes really made an action packed film fun for everyone to watch. The book was good but at some points I had a really hard time visualizing some scenes like: how the Dark Island setting would look, how it would look inside the Magician’s palace, and how the process of Eustace turning into a dragon would look on-screen. In my opinion the directors/produces did an amazing job captivating the action, hysteria, and drama of the book better than the actual book. All of these creative add-ons, and special effects to the book made an amazing film I will always remember, and favor.

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