Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

June 12, 2015
By theheavymetalist ELITE, Winter Haven, Florida
theheavymetalist ELITE, Winter Haven, Florida
247 articles 0 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take me As I Am - James Labrie of Dream Theater

The now famous action and sci-fi film of the same name was, like most other movies, based off a book. Divergent is a story that features a class system I would compare to Harry Potter and the ancient Indian Caste System as well. Though, there is a slight twist, you can choose, after a certain point, to change classes if you'd like based on a test result you're given. These classes include Amity(the friendly one), Erudite(the wise one), Abnegation(the leaders), Candor(the honest one), and Dauntless(the strong and brave one). Each, as I have exemplified, have their own special traits and seems to have their own ways of teaching as well. Our main character, Beatrice or Tris, was originally an Abnegation and then, after her results are given, finds out that she is more powerful than she thought. Divergence is when one person shares traits from many different classes, normally equally. Tris, happens to be one of them.
Thus the main story unfolds. Tris then switches over to Dauntless and begins her new life as a brave young woman, with a cost. The newcomers as well as the faction-born Dauntless have to take a set of three exams. The first for strength and wits, the second for overcoming fears and the final for overcoming new fears. This is where things start to get hectic. A character, I believe Peter, an Erudite born, decides to stab a,person in the eye while he sleeps because he didn't get his way, and didn't get first place. This caused alot of commotion and after the second test, due to Tris' Divergent status, Tris was next on the chopping block. The only difference is that she wasn't physically hurt and she was thrown over the ledge that is about six miles or so from the ground, the same one that she had to jump off in the first day of Initiation. Then one of the Initiation coaches begins to fall in love with Tris and reveals some heartwrenching things about his backstory. The guy is called Four because of his number of fears which is the lowest ever documented in recent memory. He reveals his name is Tobias and that he, much like Tris, is a Divergent, something you often shouldn't be telling other people for...safety purposes.
The final stretch of the story is about as heartbreaking as Dream Theater's Count of Tuscany is to me. People begin to drop dead, particularly Tris' mom who also reveals to be Divergent. I won't spoil the ending, but I must say, there is no way you can't feel sympathy for Tris at least at all. Her boyfriend, Four, was more like an unresponsive robot and the Abnegation were being killed one by one to braindead Dauntless soldiers. She's not affected however because her Divergence is too powerful for the braindead serum.
For a person who normally delves into fantasy, I can safely say that this deserves all the praise it has and got. The end can be enough to put you to tears and a very heroic female protagonist to boot. I will have to rate this 10/10. I am the Grim Reaper, signing off.

The author's comments:

Only my second book review. I hope you like it. If you do, like and comment below telling me what you think about my review and, if you read it as well, what you thought about the book or even the movie


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