Wonder by Author: R. J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by Author: R. J. Palacio

September 9, 2015
By Swagasaurus BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Swagasaurus BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book i am gonna tell you about is called wonder. It is a really good book. This book will make you cry or be really happy. There are some parts in there that will make you feel really bad for the kid in this book. There are also some parts that make you wanna jump up and dance when you see how happy he is. I would recommend this book to everybody I know of. This is a really good book almost anybody could read it. If you are a fan of books or not it really doesn't matter. What happens in this book is a kid is called August. He wasn't born like the other he was born with a really nasty face deformities. So up till 4th  grade he doesn't go to school. Then one day his mom tells him that he has to go to school. So he tries to beg his mom but she tells him that the stuff your gonna learn I am not very good at so when push comes to shove he goes to school and makes lots of friends. Read the book and fin out what happens next.wonder in the end is in fact a really good book. It sometimes leaves you on some cliff hangers that will make you wanna flip the page. I will be honest when I got into the first couple of pages I was bored. But at the start of the second chapter I was barely able to put it down. Trust me this will keep you in your bedroom under the blanket at 2 in the morning just with a flashlight just scrolling through the pages. In this book even though it is long trust me you would want me to read this book! that is the end of this book review. Also one thing if you don't like this book most likely you are not human.

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