I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga | Teen Ink

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

January 6, 2016
By Anonymous

If you are a son of a serial killer and your dads in jail what would you do, when everyone thinks you grow up to be exactly like him or even worse? In the book I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga Jazz faces this Problem. Jazz is the son of Billy Dent a highly known serial  killer who has an impressionist  that is murdering in the same way he has. The world is turned against Jazz because they think he will be the next Billy Dent and now has to prove everyone wrong and help the police catch the serial killer on the loose using the knowledge his dad has give him about everything he has done.
I like the book I Hunt Killers because it’s suspenseful and is making me keep reading try to figure who the impressionist is. With Jazz  using his dad's useful advice from the past try to get one step ahead and with his friends Howie and Connie by his side  they try to catch the impressionist. However even with his dad's and friend’s help he seems keep hitting walls! Especially when the impressionist gets into Jazz’s room and writes on his things it made me keep wanting to read to find out more. This book keeps me on the edge of my seat with the impressionist making Jazz reminisce back to the past about what his dad has done, raising the question of why he is doing this? To figure out who the impressionist and why they are doing this read the book “I Hunt Killers” by Barry Lyga.

The author's comments:

I am doing an asignment for school


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