Go Big Or Go Home by Will Hobbs | Teen Ink

Go Big Or Go Home by Will Hobbs

January 27, 2017
By zacstroia BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
zacstroia BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hobbs, Will. Go Big or Go Home. New York, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2008. 185.

Brady Steele's life is changed forever when a meteorite blasts through this bedroom and onto his bed. Brady Steele lives in the black hills of South Dakota. One night, he held the meteorite when he was sleeping and drooled on it. Brady was playing his friend Quinn in basketball, when he felt “electrified” then beat Quinn in basketball, which has never happened before. Later, they went on a bike ride when they decided to take the meteorite to the museum and see if it was valuable. The space scientist said that it had harmful germs on it and could be activated by saliva! Afterward, they went to the lake to go fishing and dropped the space rock at the bottom of it! The Carver Boys, Brady's enemies, found it and told Brady that they had snagged it from the bottom of the lake. Brady felt paralyzed that night. He was perplexed. Morning came, and they went to see a demo of a catapult at the Carver boy´s house. The Carver boys wanted to launch the rock and who finds it, gets it, but no one found it. That night, Brady became fully dormant and could not move, so the Carver boys and Quinn brought him to a cave to wait for him to “wake up.” 

What I liked about Go Big Or Go Home is that it is written in first-person perspective, which helped me understand what was going on in the story. It being written in first-person also make me feel like I was in the story with Brady and Quinn. Another thing I liked about this story was the detail that Hobbs described. I could visualize scenes in my head and get a picture of what the author was saying. I liked this book because I thought it was very interesting and exciting. What made me keep reading was the chain of events that led to Brady's dormancy, like when he dropped the space rock at the bottom of the lake. I would recommend this to people who like action and adventure and a good book.

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