New Moon by Stephenie Meyer | Teen Ink

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

September 14, 2017
By ChristinaR BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
ChristinaR BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Bella, Edward, and Jacob have a complicated relationship. New moon is a story about losing true love and Bella’s mixed feelings with Edward and Jacob.

The book starts with Bella at school and later spots Edward, this is when she starts to have some interests in him. She starts to show more affection when he rescues her from an accident. The book shows time and time again about their complicated love. Until he moves because he thinks just because he is a vampire he and his family could put bella in harm's way.

Anyone can enjoy this book because it has a lot of mystery and action. Also the book is fantasy but fascinating! The author added vampires and werewolves and this opens up a world of mysterious creatures. I believe that fantasy is an aspect anyone can enjoy.

I recommend this book because it is full of the many things. For example like love, mystery, action, and fantasy.

The author's comments:

A student with a passion for artistic reading 


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