Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan | Teen Ink

Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan

September 22, 2017
By Jazmin0121 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jazmin0121 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Counting by 7’s is about Willow who’s 12 years old and lives happily with her adoptive
parents, she never got to meet her blood parents since they both died when she was born. She has
everything she needs. She is all about learning teachers always think that she cheats on her tests
and other paper work because all her responses aren’t the types of responses for a 12-year- old.
Something that stood out to me is how she doesn’t let nothing bring her down, she is strong, until
the worst tragedy occurs, it all happened so quick, everything seemed to be perfect, but a day
after school, she got home and on her drive-way there were plenty of police officers she
wondered why and then they tell her... As soon as she got the bad news she starts busting into
tears. That changed her in many ways. She didn’t recognize herself, who is she?

My favorite quote from this book is, “It said I was ‘highly gifted’, are people ‘lowly
gifted?’ or ‘medium gifted?’ or just ‘gifted?’ Because in my opinion it’s not really a great idea
to see people as one thing’”(Sloan 18) . I like this quote because she is letting people know that
no one should feel less than others because we are all the same. Another quote is “I hope I’m
dreaming. I am not. Yesterday happened”(Sloan131). Many may relate to this quote even if
you’ve been through the loss of a family member or even a close friend. Loosing someone may
be horrible but we have to understand that it is part of the life cycle.

I would totally recommend this book to anyone. Although I feel like any teenager that has
been through the loss of someone in their family may be very relatable. This book creates a lot of
tension and brings emotion to the reader. From this book I learned that there are occasions when
life can change in a second, it may take time to comprehend that it happened but eventually you

will overcome it. It is the kind of book that will stay in you forever, just like if you had lived the
experiences with the characters. It makes you very emotional since it is told on first person but
also some other chapters are told from third person point of view. This book has very strong
moments that might even make the reader cry but it may also make you laugh. It is an amazing

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Gino said...
on Sep. 24 2017 at 2:47 pm
Choose her