Avengers: Endgame Review and Analysis | Teen Ink

Avengers: Endgame Review and Analysis

May 19, 2019
By YellowAzul BRONZE, Mt Sterling Ohio, Ohio
YellowAzul BRONZE, Mt Sterling Ohio, Ohio
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Warning, there are major spoilers ahead. So if you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame and plan on seeing it, do not read this article.

Final Warning

The conclusion to the critically acclaimed Avengers: Series, hit theatres a few weeks ago and has already broken box office records. It starts off in a field. Which is owned by Clint Barton (Hawkeye). We notice that he has an ankle tracker on him. Most likely because of the events from Captain America: Civil War. He is having a cookout with his family. His two children and wife seem to be having a lot of fun, giggling and playing around. Clint smiles and then walk towards the grill and then… Silence… He turns around and sees, not his family, but dust floating and then disappearing. If you have seen Avengers: Infinity War, then you’d know what happened. His family was dusted from the snap.

Change scene to deep space Iron Man and Nebula were the only survivors from the snap at Titan. The Milano ran out of fuel and resources, and the two are floating to nowhere. Iron Man teaches Nebula, who is half alien, half robot, to be a little more human by playing games like finger football and other things. We then find out that the ship ran out of food four days prior, and oxygen will run out the next day. Although this is not a problem for Nebula, this is a huge huge problem for Mr. Stark. Then, as Tony is on his last few breaths, he records a message, which is the same one we see in the trailer for this movie, for Pepper Potts. After he sends the message, he takes what the viewers think is his last breath. When suddenly, Captain Marvel came to rescue Her and the other Avengers left on Earth were able to track him down.

Once Tony Stark is back on Earth, the Avengers get an alert saying that the Infinity Stones had been used. So they suit up and fly to The Garden, hoping to kill Thanos and use the stones to bring everyone back. When Earth’s Mightiest Heroes get there, they find a weakened Thanos gardening. Thor immediately cuts off Thanos’ hand, making it so he can’t use the gauntlet or the stones. They pick up the gauntlet and see that the stones are gone. Thanos tells them that he destroyed them because they were no use to him anymore. Enraged with anger, Thor cuts off his head with Stormbreaker, Thor’s new hammer. But don't worry, this isn't the last time we see him.

The next major events happen 5 years later. The car that Scott Lang, A.K.A Ant-Man owns is locked in a storage facility. If you saw the post credit scene of And Man and The Wasp you would know that Hank Pym, his wife, and Hope Van Dyne were dusted while waiting for Scott to come out of the quantum realm. A mouse had gotten into the car and somehow pressed the buttons on a board in the right order to free Scott from the quantum realm. Because of the way the quantum realm works, the 5 years that passed were only 5 hours to Scott. He also had no idea that the snap had even happened. He walked around the near-deserted town extremely confused. He comes across a memorial that said “Those Who Vanished” and thousands of names on the list. He looks the make sure his daughter isn’t on the list and instead, finds his name. People had assumed he was dead because he was in the quantum realm for so long. He goes to his young daughters' house to find his, now, teenage daughter. After he reminisces with her, he makes his way to The Avengers building to find out what is going on. At the building, we find out that Bruce spent a long time coming to terms with The Hulk and basically joined together to become Professor Hulk, a much more tame version of Hulk. Once Scott knows what's going on, he suggests that he uses the quantum realm machine to time travel back in time to get the stones before Thanos does. The team decides that they don't have any better ideas and run some tests. Let’s just say that they didn't go too well. The tests turned Scott into a baby, then a very old man, and then back to his adult self. Steve Rogers (Captain America) calls Tony Stark, who now has a young child, for help. He doesn't accept. Although secretly, Tony has been working on time travel as well. Soon after, he finally figures it out. He goes to the Avengers building to gather the others and tell them his plan on how to save the people who were snapped.  Rocket and Hulk go to New Asgard to find Thor who really let himself go. He started drinking and got a beer belly. He also barely showered. Black Widow went to Tokyo to find Hawkeye, who was now called Ronan. He goes around killing hundreds of bad guys just because. Once everyone was back. Tony told them his plan The team will split up in groups and go to different times to get their respected stone. They also have to try to avoid as many people as possible. They have enough energy for one round trip each. So, if anyone screws up, then it’s a mission failed.

Captain America, And Man, Iron Man, and Professor Hulk go to Manhattan 2012 since there are 3 stones there at that time. This is also at the same time as the first Avengers movie, where the Chitauri and Loki are attacking the city. The 4 also see 2012 Avengers. Once 2012 Avengers detain Loki, 2019 Captain America gets Loki's scepter, which contains the mind stone, while trying to meet back up with Ant-Man and Iron Man, Captain America runs into himself… He came face to face with Captain America from 2012. 2012 Captain America thought that 2019 Captain America was Loki because Loki has the ability to change into whatever person he wanted to. We then get an interesting Cap vs. Cap action scene that almost ends in 2019 Captain going down but fortunately, doesn't. Meanwhile, Iron Man and Ant-Man try to retrieve the Tesseract (A.K.A The Space Stone) from members of Hydra, which is a group of eco-terrorists. Things start to go awry. Iron Man had gotten the Tesseract in his hands, when all of a sudden, a very angry 2012 Hulk barges into the room, destroying a lot of things because he had to take some stairs instead of using the elevator. During Hulk’s rampage, he knocked the Tesseract out of Iron Man’s hand, causing it to fall near a handcuffed Loki. He grabbed it and uses it to teleport somewhere that no one yet knows. Loki doing this, opened up an alternate reality that may play an important role in a future movie. Professor Hulk talks to The Ancient One to retrieve the time stone. After a bit of conversation, she decides to give him the stones. She also warned him that all stones must be present somewhere in the universe for the order to stay balanced. For example: if Hulk were to take the time stone, but not return it to the exact time he got it once things were over, then alternate, bad timelines would be created, causing trouble throughout the multiverse. Cap, Ant-Man, and Iron Man travel to the ’70s at Camp Lehigh, where Captain America was trained in the ’40s. Doing this would cause them to not have any fuel to get back home. But at camp Lehigh there is more of this fuel They travel back, grab the Tesseract, grab the fuel cells, and are ready to go when Tony Stark sees his dad and talks to him a little bit. Then they finally travel back to present day. Hawkeye and Black Widow go to Vomir in 2014 to retrieve the soul stone. Little do they know, they have to sacrifice a loved one to get the stone. They fight it out and eventually, Black Widow dies. Thor and Rocket travel to 2013 Asgard and easily retrieve the Reality stone. Nebula and War Machine travel to Morag to get the power stone before 2014 Peter Quill does. Thanos from 2014 gets an alert notifying him that there is a Nebula from the future at his time. He uses 2014 Nebula, who, at the time is still a villain, to track 2019 Nebula down. War Machine and Nebula grab the power stone and press the button on there suit to travel to the present day. War Machine’s suit works but Nebula’s doesn’t. She’ by herself panicking when 2014 Nebula walks in and knocks her out. 2014 Nebula uses the suit to travel to present day and use the time machine to bring Thanos to 2019, so he can destroy Earth and prevent The Avengers from bringing back the vanished.

Once all of the Avengers and 2014 Nebula are back at Earth, Tony starts constructing The Power Gauntlet and attaches the stones. He lets Hulk wear it since he is the strongest one He snaps his fingers and... BAM! 2014 Thanos destroys the Avengers Building and his whole army attacks. Things seem pretty grim for the Avengers when all the heroes who vanished returned. And they brought their armies too. The Wakandan army and the New Asgardian army were there. Hawkeye found the Power Gauntlet, which was still intact, to keep it away from them. Captain America also proved himself worthy by wielding Mjolnir, Thor’s old hammer. Thanos intercepted and put the gauntlet on. He holds up his hand and says “ I am inevitable” then snaps his fingers. Nothing happens. He looks at his gauntlet to see that the stones aren't in the Power Gauntlet. Somehow Iron Man had gotten them and put them in a backup gauntlet. He looks at Thanos and says “I am Iron Man”. He snaps his fingers causing Thanos and his whole army to disappear. Iron Man collapses. The power of the gauntlet was too strong for Iron Man. He dies shortly after. Shortly after, Captain America returns the stones to the right times and instead of going back, he lives his life with Peggy Carter in the ’40s. Then it shows Captain America and Peggy dancing to music together and the end

Marvel is far from done releasing new movies. The next phase will deal with the multiverse and far more powerful enemies. All in all, Endgame was an amazing movie. I would probably give it a 9/10. I would have given it a 10 if the whole time traveling ordeal wasn't so confusing to understand. My favorite part of the movie is probably when Korg, Thor’s friend, tells him that a man called NoobMaster69 was harassing him in Fortnite, which is a very overrated video game. Thor threatens NoobMaster69 by saying that he will “tear off your arms and shove them up your butt”. Some of the better action scenes were when Thanos’ army fought against the Avenger’s army. When Tony said “I am Iron Man”, it gave me chills since I’m a longtime fan. In the first Iron Man movie released in 2008, Tony said the same thing he did in the climax of Endgame. It has been a very popular, if not the most popular phrase of his. Avengers: Endgame is by far the best Marvel movie ever released and has already broken tons of records.

The author's comments:

This is a review and analysis of one of the most popular movies ever

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